Our Jan promotion includes WheelStops, Convex Mirrors, Stainless Steel Bollards & more whilst stock lasts! See All

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Bollard Shop Blogs

Solar & Electric Lighting: Which is better?

What are the differences between solar security lights and traditional lighting? Solar lighting is growing in popularity as people become more environmentally conscious. However, conventional electric lighting is a tried and tested lighting option, utilised for decades. In order to make a decision between

The gist of solar street lighting

All you need to know about solar street lighting Everyone is making the switch to off-the-grid power. Renewable energy solutions have increased in popularity amongst the residential, industrial and commercial sectors around the world. Governments are also taking more of these energy-efficient solutions on

Solar Light Bollards

Light your garden, walkway or public area with solar powered bollard lights When it comes to solar lighting, it seems like it has been around forever but has still not quite arrived. It seems to be one of those things we read and hear

Using convex mirrors for safety & security reasons

From stores to street corners the convex mirror has a variety of uses The word convex means to curve outwards. So when light comes into contact with a convex mirror or surface, the light is spread out, making these types of mirrors exceptionally useful

165mm Base Plate Bollards

Types of Bollards and their uses

Different bollards used in our day to day lives Well, the truth is that almost no one knows what the term bollard refers to. This occurred because bollards are sold by a select few, while only a couple of specialized companies or local municipalities

Don’t think twice, you need a wheel stop!

Sure we have handbrakes, but sometimes it takes a super strength wheel stop to help prevent accidents While we think of wheel stops as super heroes saving vehicles, buildings and people all over the world, most people think of it as hindrances. We’ve all

The Bollard Sculpture Walk in Geelong

When you think of bollards, an image of a short post made of steel that directs the flow of traffic usually come to mind. While bollards are primarily used to protect people and property from harm, they can have another purpose. In the city

The Removable Bollard

With urban growth and development continually on the rise, the movement and accessibility needs of city spaces are continually in flux. Vehicles and people are constantly on the move in dynamic patterns, directions and destinations. Buildings are constructed and roads are widened, and with

removable bollard poster

Artistic Bollards

The word ‘bollard’ may not form a part of the everyday person’s vocabulary or even garner much notice from the casual passer-by, but these humble traffic management tools seems to have captured the imagination of structural artists who seek to extend their work beyond

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